On Thursday, date 29 February 2024, FAAST Flight Yogyakarta October Class 2023 has implemented emergency drill activities at the NAM Training Center. This activity aims to prepare FAAST aviation students to better deal with emergency situations. In this training, para siswa siswi FAAST diberikan materi crew emergency training yang meliputi prosedur evakuasi, fire handling, as well as handling other emergency situations.
One important aspect of this activity is training in handling fires. Para siswa siswi FAAST dilatih untuk mengenali tanda-tanda awal kebakaran, use proper extinguishing equipment, and organize the safe evacuation of passengers. This fire fighting exercise is carried out very seriously and realistically, to ensure that students are fully prepared to face real-world emergency situations.
Besides that, activities also involve the use of mockups or replicas of emergency situations on board aircraft. Students are given hands-on experience in handling emergency situations in controlled environments and simulations that are close to real situations. This helps increase their confidence and skills in dealing with emergency situations.
Not only that, wetdrill is also an integral part of this training. In wetdrill, the students are trained to deal with emergency situations on the water, including evacuating aircraft in emergency landing conditions on the water surface. This kind of training is especially important considering that some flight routes cross oceans.
Overall, emergency drill activity held by FAAST Yogyakarta Aviation of the October Force 2023 at the NAM Training Center is a very important step in ensuring flight safety. Through crew emergency training material, fire fighting, mockup, and wet drill, Flight crews can improve their readiness and skills in dealing with emergency situations in the air, thus ensuring the safety of passengers and crew.
Dokumentasi Kegiatan Emergency Drill FAAST Penerbangan
Dengan semakin meningkatnya kesadaran akan pentingnya keselamatan penerbangan, Training programs like FAAST at the NAM Training Center are becoming increasingly important to the aviation industry. They not only help ensure the safety of passengers and crew, but also illustrates the aviation industry's commitment to maintaining high safety standards and continuing to improve readiness to face challenges that may arise in the future.